Q & A

Your Questions, Answered. Here we have provided for you our answers to some of the most common questions our clients ask us about Florida family laws. Please feel free to click through and see if we’ve answered your questions before, but if you find that you have more, don’t hesitate to contact us online or call us at (305) for more help.

Summer Visitation and Time Sharing in Florida: What Every Parent Should Know

How Is Child Support Calculated in Florida?

Dear Vanessa: I got my tubes tied – and now my husband wants a divorce because of it

Summer Travels and Child Custody

No Paternity? Your Right as a Father in Florida

Can the child support be sent to my sons instead of their mom?

Can one parent claim abandonment even if that parent wont let you see the child?

What rights do I have to my children if they have been temporarily removed from my custody in Florida by CPS?

How do I handle parent not following a court ordered time share plan?

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No Paternity? Your Right as a Father in Florida

No Paternity? Your Right as a Father in Florida

No Paternity? Your Right as a Father in Florida

No Paternity? Your Right as a Father in Florida

No Paternity? Your Right as a Father in Florida

No Paternity? Your Right as a Father in Florida

No Paternity? Your Right as a Father in Florida

No Paternity? Your Right as a Father in Florida